IFS checks successful once again
/We are proud to announce that our IFS scores have improved again this year. Looking forward to another prosperous year full of new investments and progress.
We are proud to announce that our IFS scores have improved again this year. Looking forward to another prosperous year full of new investments and progress.
This year we will be present at the IFE expo in London.
Comme and enjoy a nice Belgian beer with some delicious smoked fish!
The seafood expo global in Brussels is coming up soon. We are ready with our whole team to have a great time at the expo.
Even with the recent happenings in Brussels we are sure that the expo will be a great succes.
We invite all our colleagues, suppliers and customers to come have a drink at our stand!
See you there!
Blue Ocean Seafood is on of the leading smokehouses in Belgium. Tradition, quality, consistancy and service is what got them where they are today.
Copyright © |2016|BRUGSEVISROKERIJALLOONV|, All rights reserved.
Brugse Visrokerij Alloo NV / Industriezone blauwe toren / Kolvestraat 36-38 / B-8000 Brugge / T +32 50/31.46.46 / info@blueocean-seafood.be